from paip.gps import gps
problem = {
"start": ["at door", "on floor", "has ball", "hungry", "chair at door"],
"finish": ["not hungry"],
"ops": [
"action": "climb on chair",
"preconds": ["chair at middle room", "at middle room", "on floor"],
"add": ["at bananas", "on chair"],
"delete": ["at middle room", "on floor"]
"action": "push chair from door to middle room",
"preconds": ["chair at door", "at door"],
"add": ["chair at middle room", "at middle room"],
"delete": ["chair at door", "at door"]
"action": "walk from door to middle room",
"preconds": ["at door", "on floor"],
"add": ["at middle room"],
"delete": ["at door"]
"action": "grasp bananas",
"preconds": ["at bananas", "empty handed"],
"add": ["has bananas"],
"delete": ["empty handed"]
"action": "drop ball",
"preconds": ["has ball"],
"add": ["empty handed"],
"delete": ["has ball"]
"action": "eat bananas",
"preconds": ["has bananas"],
"add": ["empty handed", "not hungry"],
"delete": ["has bananas", "hungry"]