
Mycin: a medical expert system.

This is a small example of an expert system that uses the Emycin shell. It defines a few contexts, parameters, and rules, and presents a rudimentary user interface to collect data about an infection in order to determine the identity of the infecting organism.

In a more polished system, we could:

  • define and use a domain-specific language for the expert;
  • present a more polished interface, perhaps a GUI, for user interaction;
  • offer a data serialization mechanism to save state between sessions.

This implementation comes from chapter 16 of Peter Norvig's "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming.


Utility functions


Function for testing value equality.

def eq(x, y):
    return x == y

Function for reading True or False from a string. Raises an error if the string is not True or False.

def boolean(string):
    if string == 'True':
        return True
    if string == 'False':
        return False
    raise ValueError('bool must be True or False')

Setting up initial data


Here we define the contexts, parameters, and rules for our system. This is the job of the expert, and in a more polished system, we would define and use a domain-specific language to make this easier.

def define_contexts(sh):

Patient and Culture have some initial goals--parameters that should be collected before reasoning begins. This might be useful in some domains; for example, this might be legally required in a medical system.

    sh.define_context(Context('patient', ['name', 'sex', 'age']))
    sh.define_context(Context('culture', ['site', 'days-old']))

Finding the identity of the organism is our goal.

    sh.define_context(Context('organism', goals=['identity']))
def define_params(sh):

Patient params

    sh.define_param(Parameter('name', 'patient', cls=str, ask_first=True))
    sh.define_param(Parameter('sex', 'patient', enum=['M', 'F'], ask_first=True))
    sh.define_param(Parameter('age', 'patient', cls=int, ask_first=True))
    sh.define_param(Parameter('burn', 'patient',
                              enum=['no', 'mild', 'serious'], ask_first=True))
    sh.define_param(Parameter('compromised-host', 'patient', cls=boolean))

Culture params

    sh.define_param(Parameter('site', 'culture', enum=['blood'], ask_first=True))
    sh.define_param(Parameter('days-old', 'culture', cls=int, ask_first=True))

Organism params

    organisms = ['pseudomonas', 'klebsiella', 'enterobacteriaceae',
                 'staphylococcus', 'bacteroides', 'streptococcus']
    sh.define_param(Parameter('identity', 'organism', enum=organisms, ask_first=True))
    sh.define_param(Parameter('gram', 'organism',
                              enum=['acid-fast', 'pos', 'neg'], ask_first=True))
    sh.define_param(Parameter('morphology', 'organism', enum=['rod', 'coccus']))
    sh.define_param(Parameter('aerobicity', 'organism', enum=['aerobic', 'anaerobic']))
    sh.define_param(Parameter('growth-conformation', 'organism',
                              enum=['chains', 'pairs', 'clumps']))
def define_rules(sh):
                        [('site', 'culture', eq, 'blood'),
                         ('gram', 'organism', eq, 'neg'),
                         ('morphology', 'organism', eq, 'rod'),
                         ('burn', 'patient', eq, 'serious')],
                        [('identity', 'organism', eq, 'pseudomonas')],
                        [('gram', 'organism', eq, 'pos'),
                         ('morphology', 'organism', eq, 'coccus'),
                         ('growth-conformation', 'organism', eq, 'clumps')],
                        [('identity', 'organism', eq, 'staphylococcus')],
                        [('site', 'culture', eq, 'blood'),
                         ('gram', 'organism', eq, 'neg'),
                         ('morphology', 'organism', eq, 'rod'),
                         ('aerobicity', 'organism', eq, 'anaerobic')],
                        [('identity', 'organism', eq, 'bacteroides')],
                        [('gram', 'organism', eq, 'neg'),
                         ('morphology', 'organism', eq, 'rod'),
                         ('compromised-host', 'patient', eq, True)],
                        [('identity', 'organism', eq, 'pseudomonas')],
                        [('gram', 'organism', eq, 'neg'),
                         ('morphology', 'organism', eq, 'rod'),
                         ('aerobicity', 'organism', eq, 'aerobic')],
                        [('identity', 'organism', eq, 'enterobacteriaceae')],
                        [('gram', 'organism', eq, 'pos'),
                         ('morphology', 'organism', eq, 'coccus'),
                         ('growth-conformation', 'organism', eq, 'chains')],
                        [('identity', 'organism', eq, 'streptococcus')],

Running the system

import logging
from paip.emycin import Parameter, Context, Rule, Shell
def report_findings(findings):
    for inst, result in findings.items():
        print 'Findings for %s-%d:' % (inst[0], inst[1])
        for param, vals in result.items():
            possibilities = ['%s: %f' % (val[0], val[1]) for val in vals.items()]
            print '%s: %s' % (param, ', '.join(possibilities))
def main():
    sh = Shell()
    report_findings(sh.execute(['patient', 'culture', 'organism']))