Searching is one of the most useful strategies in AI programming. AI problems can often be expressed as state spaces with transitions between states. For instance, the General Problem Solver could be considered as a search problem--given some states, we apply state transitions to explore the state space until the goal is reached.
For some example applications, see the following programs:
Many problems find convenient expression as search trees of state spaces: each state has some successor states, and we explore the "tree" of states formed by linking each state to its successors. We can explore this state tree by holding a set of "candidate", or "current", states, and exploring all its successors until the goal is reached.
Given some initial states, explore a state space until reaching the goal.
should be a list of initial states (which can be anything).
should be a predicate, where goal_reached(state)
when state
is the goal state.
should take a state as input and return a list of that
state's successor states.
should take two lists of states as input--the current
states and a list of new states--and return a combined list of states.
When the goal is reached, the goal state is returned.
def tree_search(states, goal_reached, get_successors, combine_states):
If there are no more states to explore, we have failed.
if not states:
return None
if goal_reached(states[0]):
return states[0]
Get the states that follow the first current state and combine them with the other current states.
successors = get_successors(states[0])
next = combine_states(successors, states[1:])
Recursively search from the new list of current states.
return tree_search(next, goal_reached, get_successors, combine_states)
A tree search where the state space is explored depth-first.
That is, all of the successors of a single state are fully explored before exploring a sibling state.
def dfs(start, goal_reached, get_successors):
def combine(new_states, existing_states):
The new states (successors of the first current state) should be explored next, before the other states, so they are prepended to the list of current states.
return new_states + existing_states
return tree_search([start], goal_reached, get_successors, combine)
A tree search where the state space is explored breadth-first.
That is, after examining a single state, all of its successors should be examined before any of their successors are explored.
def bfs(start, goal_reached, get_successors):
def combine(new_states, existing_states):
Finish examining all of the sibling states before exploring any of their successors--add all the new states at the end of the current state list.
return existing_states + new_states
return tree_search([start], goal_reached, get_successors, combine)
A tree search where the state space is explored in order of "cost".
That is, given a list of current states, the "cheapest" state (according
to the function cost
, which takes a state as input and returns a numerical
cost value) is the next one explored.
def best_first_search(start, goal_reached, get_successors, cost):
def combine(new_states, existing_states):
Keep the list of current states ordered by cost--the "cheapest" state should always be at the front of the list.
return sorted(new_states + existing_states, key=cost)
return tree_search([start], goal_reached, get_successors, combine)
A tree search where the state space is explored by considering only the next
cheapest states at any step.
The downside to this approach is that by eliminating candidate states, the goal state might never be found!
def beam_search(start, goal_reached, get_successors, cost, beam_width):
def combine(new_states, existing_states):
To combine new and current states, combine and sort them as in
, but take only the first beam_width
return sorted(new_states + existing_states, key=cost)[:beam_width]
return tree_search([start], goal_reached, get_successors, combine)
A tree search that repeatedly applies beam_search
with incrementally
increasing beam widths until the goal state is found. This strategy is more
likely to find the goal state than a plain beam_search
, but at the cost of
exploring the state space more than once.
and max
are the starting and maximum beam widths, respectively.
def widening_search(start, goal_reached, successors, cost, width=1, max=100):
if width > max: # only increment up to max
with the starting width and quit if we've reached the goal.
res = beam_search(start, goal_reached, successors, cost, width)
if res:
return res
Otherwise, beam_search
again with a higher beam width.
return widening_search(start, goal_reached, successors, cost, width + 1)
For some problem domains, the state space is not really a tree--certain states could form "cycles", where a successor of a current state is a state that has been previously examined.
The tree search algorithms we've discussed ignore this possibility and treat every encountered state as distinct. This could lead to extra work, though, as we re-explore certain branches. Graph search takes equivalent states into account, keeps track of previously discarded states, and only explores states that haven't already been encountered.
Given some initial states, explore a state space until reaching the goal, taking care not to re-explore previously visited states.
, goal_reached
, get_successors
, and combine
are identical to
those arguments in tree_search
is a list of previously encountered states--these should not
be re-vistited during the search.
When the goal is reached, the goal state is returned.
def graph_search(states, goal_reached, get_successors, combine, old_states=None):
old_states = old_states or [] # initialize, if this is the initial call
Check for success and failure.
if not states:
return None
if goal_reached(states[0]):
return states[0]
def visited(state):
A state is "visited" if it's in the list of current states or has been encountered previously.
return any(state == s for s in states + old_states)
Filter out the "visited" states from the next state's successors.
new_states = [s for s in get_successors(states[0]) if not visited(s)]
Combine the new states with the existing ones and recurse.
next_states = combine(new_states, states[1:])
return graph_search(next_states, goal_reached, get_successors,
combine, old_states + [states[0]])
Just as for tree search, we can define special cases of graph search that use specific exploration strategies: breadth-first search and depth-first search are nearly identical as their tree-search varieties.
def graph_search_bfs(start, goal_reached, get_successors, old_states=None):
def combine(new_states, existing_states):
return existing_states + new_states
return graph_search([start], goal_reached, get_successors, combine,
def graph_search_dfs(start, goal_reached, get_successors, old_states=None):
def combine(new_states, existing_states):
return new_states + existing_states
return graph_search([start], goal_reached, get_successors, combine,
A common use of searching is in finding the best path between two locations. This might be useful for planning airline routes or video game character movements. We will develop a specialized pathfinding algorithm that uses graph search on path segments to find the shortest path between two points.
We first develop some utilities for handling paths and path segments.
represents one segment of a path traversing a state space.
class Path(object):
Create a new path segment by linking state
to the branch indicated
by prev_path
, where the cost of the path up to (and including) state
is cost
def __init__(self, state, prev_path=None, cost=0):
self.state = state
self.prev_path = prev_path
self.cost = cost
def __repr__(self):
return 'Path(%s, %s, %s)' % (self.state, self.prev_path, self.cost)
def collect(self):
states = [self.state]
if self.prev_path:
states = self.prev_path.collect() + states
return states
def find_path(to_state, paths):
for path in paths:
if to_state == path.state:
return path
When inserting a path into an existing list of paths, we want to keep the
list sorted with respect to some comparison function compare
, which
takes two Path
s as arguments and returns a number.
def insert_path(path, paths, compare):
for i in xrange(len(paths)):
if compare(path, paths[i]) <= 0:
paths.insert(i, path)
Search the list look_in
for a path that ends at the same state as path
If found, remove that existing path and insert path
into the list
. Returns True if replacement occurred and False otherwise.
def replace_if_better(path, compare, look_in, replace_in):
existing = find_path(path.state, look_in)
if existing and compare(path, existing) < 0:
insert_path(path, replace_in, compare)
return True
return False
To grow the list of current_paths
to include the states in to_states
we will extend path
to each state (assuming the new paths are shorter than
the ones that already exist).
def extend_path(path, to_states, current_paths, old_paths, cost, compare):
for state in to_states:
Extend path
to each new state, updating the cost by adding the
cost of this extension to the existing path cost.
extend_cost = path.cost + cost(path.state, state)
extended = Path(state, path, extend_cost)
Replace any path in current_paths
or old_paths
that ends at
if our new extended path is cheaper.
if find_path(state, current_paths):
replace_if_better(extended, compare, current_paths, current_paths)
elif find_path(state, old_paths):
replace_if_better(extended, compare, old_paths, current_paths)
If no existing path goes to path
, just add our new one to the
end of current_paths
insert_path(extended, current_paths, compare)
A* is a graph search that finds the shortest-path distance from a start state to an end state. It works by incrementally extending paths from the start state in order of cost and replacing previous paths when shorter ones are found that reach the same state.
A heuristic function can be supplied to add additional cost to the cost of
each path; for standard A* search, this function measures the estimated
distance remaining from the end of a path to the desired goal state.
Supplying the zero function turns this into the well-known Dijkstra's
Find the shortest path that satisfies goal_reached
. The function
can be used to specify an ordering strategy among equal-length
def a_star(paths, goal_reached, get_successors, cost, heuristic, old_paths=None):
old_paths = old_paths or []
First check to see if we're done.
if not paths:
return None
if goal_reached(paths[0].state):
return paths[0]
We will keep the lists of currently-exploring and previously-explored paths ordered by cost, where the cost of a path is computed as the sum of the costs of the path segments and the heuristic applied to the final state in the path.
def compare(path1, path2):
return ((path1.cost + heuristic(path1.state)) -
(path2.cost + heuristic(path2.state)))
At each step, we extend the shortest path we've encountered so far.
path = paths.pop(0)
We keep track of all previously seen paths in old_paths
, so that we can
weed out newly-extended paths that are no better than previously discovered
paths to the same state.
insert_path(path, old_paths, compare)
Extend our shortest path to all its possible successor states using
, which will make sure that paths
and old_paths
sorted appropriately and weed out redundant paths.
extend_path(path, get_successors(path.state), paths, old_paths, cost, compare)
Repeat with the newly-extended paths.
return a_star(paths, goal_reached, get_successors, cost, heuristic, old_paths)