

Logic programming is a model of computation that applies mathematical logic to problem solving.


Logic programming is declarative, not procedural. In the procedural programming paradigm, the programmer specifies data and the algorithms that should be executed on those data to reach a solution. In the logic programming paradigm, the programmer specifies relationships that hold between the data in the form of facts and rules. The programmer then specifies a goal, and the computer works out the implementation details of achieving that goal.

Specifying relationships

A relation specifies a relationship that holds between some objects. We denote relations with the form pred(obj1, obj2, ...), where the name of the relation is called the predicate.

To store relations in our system for use in proving goals, we use clauses. A clause consists of a head relation and some body relations. For example, in the clause

compatible(John, June) :- common_interests(John, June), lazy(June)

we are specifying that John and June are compatible if they have common interests and June is lazy. The head of this clause is compatible(John, June) and the body consists of the two relations common_interests(John, June) and lazy(June). We call clauses of this form rules, since they specify when a relation is true. To specify a relation that is unconditionally true, we use a clause with no body, called a fact: girl(June).

We can use logic variables to describe more abstract relations. Consider the following clauses:

likes(June, running)
likes(John, running)
similar_hobbies(?x, ?y) :- likes(?x, ?z), likes(?y, ?z)
compatible(John, ?x) :- female(?x), similar_hobbies(John, ?x)

The last two rules use logic variables. The second-to-last rule specifies when two people have similar hobbies (that is, there is something they both like), and the last rule specifies the people with whom John is compatible.


Once we have some clauses, we can specify a goal, and the system will attempt to satisfy that goal. In logic programming parlance, we call this proving a goal. The goal is stated in the form of a relation.

Sometimes our goal requires a yes or no answer. The system will use the existing clauses to determine whether the given goal can be satisfied. For example, using the five clauses defined above, we might specify the goal compatible(John, June). If we try to prove this goal, the result will simply be "Yes." If we try to prove the goal male(June), the result will be "No.", as the system is unable to prove that June is male from the specified clauses.

We can specify much more interesting goals. For instance, we might specify the goal likes(?x, running). Here, we are interested in determining who is interested in running. If we attempt to prove this goal, the system will determine if it can be satisfied, and if so, what values of ?x satisfy the goal. Here, the results will be John and June, since we declared that both of them like running. These results that, when substituted for the variables, satisfy the goal are called the bindings of those variables.

For more examples, see the following databases of clauses:

These databases can be loaded into the provided Prolog interpreter for experimentation.


Programming in this model requires some adjustment coming from a procedural programming background; logic programming appears very mysterious at first. The implementation, however, is simple, and relies on three basic concepts:

  1. A uniform database of facts and rules;
  2. Unification of logic variables;
  3. Automatic backtracking.

We will see how these three concepts are implemented below.


This module provides a library that enables the use of logic programming in arbitrary Python programs. For some examples of this, see the following:


Written by Daniel Connelly. This implementation is inspired by chapter 11 of "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming" by Peter Norvig.


Table of contents


Data type definitions


First, we define the types of data represented in our system. These include:

  • atoms, which represent literal data such as numbers and strings;
  • variables, which represent undetermined atoms and relations;
  • relations, which define relationships between atoms, variables, and other relations;
  • clauses, which represent facts and rules stored in the database.

We want each instance of these types to support a few common operations that will be used throughout the system.

  • get_vars: list all of the variables contained in this instance. For example, if we call get_vars on the relation member(?x, pair(y, ?z)), we should get back the list [?x, ?z].
  • rename_vars: replace variables in this instance using a dictionary that maps old variables to replacement variables.


Represents any literal (symbol, number, string, etc).

class Atom(object):
    def __init__(self, atom):
        self.atom = atom
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.atom)
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, Atom) and other.atom == self.atom

These don't need to do anything for Atoms, since they don't contain Vars.

    def rename_vars(self, replacements): return self
    def get_vars(self): return []

Represents a logic variable.

class Var(object):
    counter = 0 # for generating unused variables

Get a new, unused Var.

    def get_unused_var():

While proving goals we will sometimes want to create unused, temporary variables, so we do so by keeping a count of how many have been created and use it to name new ones.

        v = Var('var%d' % Var.counter)
        Var.counter += 1
        return v
    def __init__(self, var):
        self.var = var
    def __repr__(self):
        return '?%s' % str(self.var)
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, Var) and other.var == self.var
    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.var)

As mentioned above in the section on "Goals", variables will be bound to other values. These bindings will be tracked through dictionaries.


Find the term that self is bound to in bindings.

Tries to find a non-Var binding to return by searching transitively through the bindings dictionary.

    def lookup(self, bindings):
        binding = bindings.get(self)

While looking up the binding for self, we must detect:

  1. That we are looking up the binding of a Var (otherwise meaningless)
  2. That we stop before reaching None, in the case that there is no terminal Atom in a transitive binding
  3. That we don't go in a circle (eg, x->y and y->x)
        encountered = [self, binding]
        while (isinstance(binding, Var)
               and binding in bindings
               and bindings[binding] not in encountered):
            binding = bindings.get(binding)

If the next binding leads to a relation, expand it.

        if isinstance(binding, Relation):
            return binding.bind_vars(bindings)

        return binding

Rename self with its value in replacements if it appears as a key.

    def rename_vars(self, replacements):
        return replacements.get(self, self)

Return a list containing this var.

    def get_vars(self):
        return [self]

A relationship (specified by a predicate) that holds between terms.

class Relation(object):
    def __init__(self, pred, args):
        self.pred = pred
        self.args = args
    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%s)' % (self.pred, ', '.join(map(str, self.args)))
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (isinstance(other, Relation)
                and self.pred == other.pred
                and list(self.args) == list(other.args))

Replace each Var in this relation with its bound term.

    def bind_vars(self, bindings):
        bound = []
        for arg in self.args:
            bound.append(arg.lookup(bindings) if arg in bindings else arg)
        return Relation(self.pred, bound)

Recursively rename each Var in this relation.

    def rename_vars(self, replacements):
        renamed = []
        for arg in self.args:
        return Relation(self.pred, renamed)

Return all Vars in this relation.

    def get_vars(self):
        vars = []
        for arg in self.args:
            vars.extend(v for v in arg.get_vars() if v not in vars)
        return vars

A clause with a head relation and some body relations.

class Clause(object):
    def __init__(self, head, body=None):
        self.head = head
        self.body = body or []
    def __repr__(self):
        if self.body:
            return '%s :- %s' % (self.head, ', '.join(map(str, self.body)))
        return str(self.head)
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (isinstance(other, Clause)
                and self.head == other.head
                and list(self.body) == list(other.body))

Replace all Vars in this clause with their bound values.

    def bind_vars(self, bindings):
        head = self.head.bind_vars(bindings)
        body = [r.bind_vars(bindings) for r in self.body]
        return Clause(head, body)

Recursively rename each Var in this Clause.

    def rename_vars(self, replacements):
        renamed_head = self.head.rename_vars(replacements)
        renamed_body = []
        for term in self.body:
        return Clause(renamed_head, renamed_body)

Replace each var in self with an unused one.

    def recursive_rename(self):
        renames = {v: Var.get_unused_var() for v in self.get_vars()}
        logging.debug('Renamed vars: %s' % renames)
        return self.rename_vars(renames)

Return a list of all Vars in this Clause.

    def get_vars(self):
        vars = self.head.get_vars()
        for rel in self.body:
            vars.extend(v for v in rel.get_vars() if v not in vars)
        return vars

Uniform database


The first important idea in our implementation of a logic programming system is that of a uniform database. We store all facts and rules in a single data structure, organized so that we can quickly retrieve all the clauses that might help prove a goal. Since our goals are relations, while proving a goal we will want to retrieve clauses whose head relations match the goal relation. Thus we will index the database on the predicates of the contained clauses' heads.


The implementation of the database is a single Python dictionary. Keys are the predicates of relations, and values are lists of clauses with identical head predicates.



Store the clause in the database, indexed on the head's predicate.

def store(db, clause):
    db.setdefault(clause.head.pred, []).append(clause)

Retrieve all clauses with matching head's predicate.

def retrieve(db, pred):
    return db.setdefault(pred, [])

It will be useful to store Python functions in the database so that we can induce side-effects by proving "relations".


Store a Python function in the database with the given name.

def define_procedure(db, name, proc):
    db[name] = proc

Unification of logic variables


The second important concept in our system is unification. Unification is a process that determines when two objects are equivalent, either by determining that they are exactly equal or by finding bindings for the undetermined variables in the objects such that the resulting objects, with their variables replaced by the bindings, can be considered equaivalent.


A few small examples:

  • Unification of likes(Sarah, Joe) and likes(?y, Joe) will succeed if either

    • ?y is unbound, in which case it can be bound to Sarah, or
    • ?y is already bound (perhaps transitively) to Sarah.
  • Unification of ?y and ?z will succeed if

    • ?y is unbound, in which case it can be bound to ?z; or
    • ?z is unbound, in which case it can be bound to ?y; or
    • ?y and ?z are both already bound to each other, or to the same value (perhaps transitively).
  • Unfication of likes(Sarah, Joe) and ?x will succeed only if ?x is already bound to likes(Sarah, Joe) or is unbound.

  • Unification of likes(Sarah, Joe) and Bob will always fail--these are not equal, and no bindings of variables will result in equivalence.

  • Unification of likes(Sarah, Joe) and hates(Sarah, Joe) will always fail; these relations have different predicates, and so they can never be considered equivalent.

Unification is very similar to pattern-matching; in fact, the algorithms for pattern matching and unification in Peter Norvig's PAIP are nearly identical, a testament to the utility of Lisp's uniform syntax.



Unify x and y, if possible. Returns updated bindings or None.

def unify(x, y, bindings):
    logging.debug('Unify %s and %s (bindings=%s)' % (x, y, bindings))

False bindings means we failed in a previous step. Re-fail.

    if bindings == False:
        return False

Make a copy of bindings so we can backtrack if necessary.

    bindings = dict(bindings)

When x and y are equal (the same Var or Atom), there's nothing to do.

    if x == y:
        return bindings

Unification of Vars with anything else

    if isinstance(x, Var):

If x (or y) is already bound to something, dereference and try again.

        if x in bindings:
            return unify(bindings[x], y, bindings)
        if y in bindings:
            return unify(x, bindings[y], bindings)

Otherwise, bind x to y.

        bindings[x] = y
        return bindings
    if isinstance(y, Var):
        return unify(y, x, bindings)

Unification of Relations with Relations

    if isinstance(x, Relation) and isinstance(y, Relation):

Two relations must have the same predicate and arity to unify.

        if x.pred != y.pred:
            return False
        if len(x.args) != len(y.args):
            return False

Unify corresponding terms in the relations.

        for i, xi in enumerate(x.args):
            yi = y.args[i]
            bindings = unify(xi, yi, bindings)
            if bindings == False:
                return False

        return bindings

Unification of Clauses with Clauses

    if isinstance(x, Clause) and isinstance(y, Clause):

Clause bodies must have the same length to unify.

        if len(x.body) != len(y.body):
            return False

Unify head term and body terms.

        bindings = unify(x.head, y.head, bindings)
        if bindings == False:
            return False
        for i, xi in enumerate(x.body):
            yi = y.body[i]
            bindings = unify(xi, yi, bindings)
            if bindings == False:
                return False
        return bindings

Nothing else can unify.

    return False

Proving goals

with automatic backtracking


As mentioned previously, "proving" a goal will determine whether we can satisfy a goal relation using the clauses in our database. If so, we want to see the variable bindings that satisfy the goal (if the goal involves any variables).

Given a goal relation, our general algorithm for proving a goal is as follows:

  1. Retrieve all clauses from the database whose head relations have the same predicate as the goal relation. Each such clause might help us to prove the goal relation--we just need to ensure that the head relation matches the goal relation.

    For example, if we want to prove likes(You, Me), we will retrieve all clauses from the database whose head's predicate is likes:

     likes(Bob, Sue)
     likes(You, ?x) :- likes(?x, StirFry), likes(?x, Swimming)
     likes(Sue, ?x) :- hates(?x, Everything)
     likes(?x, Me) :- likes(?x, Programmers)
  2. For each retrieved clause, try to unify the head with the goal. If they unify, then we can prove the goal by proving the body of the retrieved clause.

    In the retrieved clauses from #1, only the clauses

     likes(You, ?x) :- likes(?x, StirFry), likes(?x, Swimming)
     likes(?x, Me) :- likes(?x, Programmers)

    have a head relation that unifies successfully with likes(You, Me), with bindings of ?x -> Me for the first clause and ?x -> You for the second clause.

  3. For each clause whose head unifies with the goal, recurse to prove each body relation of the clause. If proving fails for any body relation, we move on to the next retrieved candidate clause.

    So, continuing our example, if we can prove that likes(Me, StirFry) and likes(Me, Swimming), then we will have proved likes(You, Me). If we fail to prove either of these, we will move on to the next retrieved clause, and try to prove likes(?x, Programmers).

We will keep track of the goals we're proving with a stack, implemented as a Python list. In this way we can keep track of all the goals we must prove even when we recurse while proving.



Prove goal and all remaining goals using the given bindings and database.

If successful, returns the extended bindings that satisfy all the goals. Otherwise, returns False.

def prove(goal, bindings, db, remaining=None):

False bindings means we failed somewhere earlier, so re-fail.

    if bindings == False:
        return False
    logging.debug('Prove %s (bindings=%s)' % (goal, bindings))
    remaining = remaining or []

Find the clauses in the database that might help us prove goal.

    query = db.get(goal.pred)
    if not query:
        return False
    if not isinstance(query, list):

If the retrieved data from the database isn't a list of clauses, it must be a Python function--call it and return the results.

        return query(goal.args, bindings, db, remaining)

    logging.debug('Candidate clauses: %s' % query)

Try to use the retrieved clauses to prove the goal.

    for clause in query:
        logging.debug('Trying candidate clause %s for goal %s' % (clause, goal))

First, rename the variables in clause so they don't collide with those in goal.

        renamed = clause.recursive_rename()

Next, we try to unify goal with the head of the candidate clause. If unification is possible, then the candidate clause might either be a rule that can prove goal or a fact that states goal is already true.

        unified = unify(goal, renamed.head, bindings)
        if unified == False:

Make sure the candidate clause doesn't lead to an infinite loop by checking to see if its head is in its body.

        renamed = renamed.bind_vars(unified)
        if renamed.head in renamed.body:

We need to prove the subgoals of the candidate clause before using it to prove goal. Then prove the remaining goals as well.

        extended = prove_all(renamed.body + remaining, unified, db)

If we can't prove all the subgoals, or the bindings that result from proving the subgoals make it so that the remaining goals can't be proved, move on.

        if extended == False:

Otherwise return the bindings that satisfied the goals.

        return extended

    logging.debug('Failed to prove %s' % goal)
    return False

Prove all the goals with the given bindings and rule database.

def prove_all(goals, bindings, db):
    if bindings == False:
        return False
    if not goals:
        return bindings
    logging.debug('Proving goals: %s (bindings=%s)' % (goals, bindings))
    return prove(goals[0], bindings, db, goals[1:])


There may be more than one set of bindings that satisfy a goal, and the user may not be interested in the first solution we find. The number of solutions is potentially unbounded, so we need some way to find solutions incrementally.

The third important idea in our system is automatic backtracking, and is the solution to the this problem. As outlined in step 3 above, if we fail to prove a goal using a particular retrieved clause, we will move on and try the next one. The default behavior when a solution is found is to return the bindings to the user; we need a mechanism to force the system to fail before it returns if the user doesn't like the bindings that were found.

We accomplish this task with a built-in function called display_bindings. This function is stored in the database so that it looks like a clause, and before we ask the system to prove a goal we add the goal "display_bindings" to the list of goals to prove. When the system tries to prove it, the retrieved value from the database will be the function display_bindings instead of a list of clauses. Our prove function will detect that this is not a list of clauses, call display_bindings with the current state of the system, and return the return value of that function call. We will let display_bindings decide how to handle finding more solutions.



Prove each goal in goals using the rules and facts in db.

def prolog_prove(goals, db):
    if goals:
        vars = []
        for goal in goals:
        db['display_bindings'] = display_bindings
        prove_all(goals + [Relation('display_bindings', vars)], {}, db)
    print 'No.'

Displays bindings to the user and determines if more solutions are needed.

If the user wants to see another solution, returns False, causing the proving process to fail and try another path. Otherwise, continues proving the remaining goals.

def display_bindings(vars, bindings, db, remaining):
    if not vars:
        print 'Yes.'
    for var in vars:
        print var, ':', var.lookup(bindings)
    if raw_input('Continue? ').strip().lower() in ('yes', 'y'):
        return False
    return prove_all(remaining, bindings, db)



That's all there is to it. See the examples mentioned earlier for some interesting applications of logic programming.

import logging

__author__ = 'Daniel Connelly (dhconnelly@gmail.com)'