

Eliza is a pattern-matching automated psychiatrist. Given a set of rules in the form of input/output patterns, Eliza will attempt to recognize user input phrases and generate relevant psychobabble responses.

Each rule is specified by an input pattern and a list of output patterns. A pattern is a sentence consisting of space-separated words and variables. Input pattern variables come in two forms: single variables and segment variables; single variables (which take the form ?x) match a single word, while segment variables (which take the form ?*x) can match a phrase. Output pattern variables are only single variables. The variable names contained in an input pattern should be the same as those in the corresponding output pattern, and each segment variable ?*x in an input pattern corresponds to the single variable ?x in the output pattern.

The conversation proceeds by reading a sentence from the user, searching through the rules to find an input pattern that matches, replacing variables in the output pattern, and printing the results to the user.

For examples of using this scheme, see the following programs:

This implementation is inspired by Chapter 5 of "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming" by Peter Norvig.

import random
import string

Talking to the computer


Have a conversation with a user.

def interact(prompt, rules, default_responses):

Read a line, process it, and print the results until no input remains.

    while True:

Remove the punctuation from the input and convert to upper-case to simplify matching.

            input = remove_punct(raw_input(prompt).upper())
            if not input:
        print respond(rules, input, default_responses)

Respond to an input sentence according to the given rules.

def respond(rules, input, default_responses):
    input = input.split() # match_pattern expects a list of tokens

Look through rules and find input patterns that matches the input.

    matching_rules = []
    for pattern, transforms in rules:
        pattern = pattern.split()
        replacements = match_pattern(pattern, input)
        if replacements:
            matching_rules.append((transforms, replacements))

When rules are found, choose one and one of its responses at random. If no rule applies, we use the default rule.

    if matching_rules:
        responses, replacements = random.choice(matching_rules)
        response = random.choice(responses)
        replacements = {}
        response = random.choice(default_responses)

Replace the variables in the output pattern with the values matched from the input string.

    for variable, replacement in replacements.items():
        replacement = ' '.join(switch_viewpoint(replacement))
        if replacement:
            response = response.replace('?' + variable, replacement)
    return response

Pattern matching


Determine if the input string matches the given pattern.

Expects pattern and input to be lists of tokens, where each token is a word or a variable.

Returns a dictionary containing the bindings of variables in the input pattern to values in the input string, or False when the input doesn't match the pattern.

def match_pattern(pattern, input, bindings=None):

Check to see if matching failed before we got here.

    if bindings is False:
        return False

When the pattern and the input are identical, we have a match, and no more bindings need to be found.

    if pattern == input:
        return bindings

    bindings = bindings or {}

Match input and pattern according to their types.

    if is_segment(pattern):
        token = pattern[0] # segment variable is the first token
        var = token[2:] # segment variable is of the form ?*x
        return match_segment(var, pattern[1:], input, bindings)
    elif is_variable(pattern):
        var = pattern[1:] # single variables are of the form ?foo
        return match_variable(var, [input], bindings)
    elif contains_tokens(pattern) and contains_tokens(input):

Recurse: try to match the first tokens of both pattern and input. The bindings that result are used to match the remainder of both lists.

        return match_pattern(pattern[1:],
                             match_pattern(pattern[0], input[0], bindings))
        return False

Match the segment variable against the input.

pattern and input should be lists of tokens.

Looks for a substring of input that begins at start and is immediately followed by the first word in pattern. If such a substring exists, matching continues recursively and the resulting bindings are returned; otherwise returns False.

def match_segment(var, pattern, input, bindings, start=0):

If there are no words in pattern following var, we can just match var to the remainder of the input.

    if not pattern:
        return match_variable(var, input, bindings)

Get the segment boundary word and look for the first occurrence in the input starting from index start.

    word = pattern[0]
        pos = start + input[start:].index(word)
    except ValueError:

When the boundary word doesn't appear in the input, no match.

        return False

Match the located substring to the segment variable and recursively pattern match using the resulting bindings.

    var_match = match_variable(var, input[:pos], dict(bindings))
    match = match_pattern(pattern, input[pos:], var_match)

If pattern matching fails with this substring, try a longer one.

    if not match:
        return match_segment(var, pattern, input, bindings, start + 1)
    return match

Bind the input to the variable and update the bindings.

def match_variable(var, replacement, bindings):
    binding = bindings.get(var)
    if not binding:

The variable isn't yet bound.

        bindings.update({var: replacement})
        return bindings
    if replacement == bindings[var]:

The variable is already bound to that input.

        return bindings

The variable is already bound, but not to that input--fail.

    return False

Pattern matching utilities


Test if pattern is a list of subpatterns.

def contains_tokens(pattern):
    return type(pattern) is list and len(pattern) > 0

Test if pattern is a single variable.

def is_variable(pattern):
    return (type(pattern) is str
            and pattern[0] == '?'
            and len(pattern) > 1
            and pattern[1] != '*'
            and pattern[1] in string.letters
            and ' ' not in pattern)

Test if pattern begins with a segment variable.

def is_segment(pattern):
    return (type(pattern) is list
            and pattern
            and len(pattern[0]) > 2
            and pattern[0][0] == '?'
            and pattern[0][1] == '*'
            and pattern[0][2] in string.letters
            and ' ' not in pattern[0])

Translating user input


Replace word with rep if (word, rep) occurs in replacements.

def replace(word, replacements):
    for old, new in replacements:
        if word == old:
            return new
    return word

Swap some common pronouns for interacting with a robot.

def switch_viewpoint(words):
    replacements = [('I', 'YOU'),
                    ('YOU', 'I'),
                    ('ME', 'YOU'),
                    ('MY', 'YOUR'),
                    ('AM', 'ARE'),
                    ('ARE', 'AM')]
    return [replace(word, replacements) for word in words]

Remove common punctuation marks.

def remove_punct(string):
    if string.endswith('?'):
        string = string[:-1]
    return (string.replace(',', '')
            .replace('.', '')
            .replace(';', '')
            .replace('!', ''))